My first year of teaching has been a great experience! I’ve been fortunate enough to gain employment subbing in both the public system and in the Montessori system. I accepted a full time position at Maria Montessori Academy here in Victoria teaching PE for three months, as well as a 0.4 contract teaching Math 8 & Humanities 7/8 for 6 months. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Montessori system and could see myself spending my whole career there.
Most people say that if you want to stay in Victoria, you’ll have to TOC for a good number of years before gaining full time work, but that isn’t always the case. If you get out there, make connections and do good work, anything can happen. Luckily I was so well prepared by the EPHE faculty!
As the year winds to a close, I feel grateful for the opportunities I have had to grow as an educator, and I look forward to many more next year… and the summer off!