Ben Turner


I have a continuing contract at Oak Bay High School. This past year (2016/17) I taught PE 10 Girls, Yearbook, English 10, Social Studies 11, Intercultural Studies, and was the adviser for the International Student Program. Next year, myself and Laura Horton (2012 EPHE grad) will be adding Outdoor Pursuits to our course load. We created this course and implemented it as a club this year, but have had it approved to be an official credit course in September 2017. We are extremely excited to introduce Outdoor Pursuits to Oak Bay High.

Aside from teaching, I have created an Olympic Weightlifting Club here at Oak Bay. We have had the club running for two years and have placed in many tops spots through out the province in both men’s and women’s weight-classes. I also help coach the Senior and Junior Rugby teams.

Advice for all soon-to-be teachers: What you do outside of the classroom will make your life as teacher so much fuller and add greatly to the school community.


Posted on

June 26, 2017

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