Amanda Mauro

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After graduating from the B.Ed program, I completed my practicum at Mount Doug where I made great connections and was able to teach my first eligible day after my practicum! I haven’t stopped since…. Since graduating I have worked every day. What a great time to be a teacher! I finished the year at Mount Doug last year through the fortuitous situation that I got to take over a medical leave. I taught History 12 and Comparative Civilizations 12. In September I started a temporary contract teaching Social Studies 9 and 11. At the end of September I was offered a 1.0 position teaching Planning 10 at Spectrum Community School. I am now currently teaching Foods 10 and Sport and Nutrition 10 at Spectrum. Although I was nervous to take on all of these different positions that ventured out of my P.E. and Social Studies “comfort zone,” I know how lucky I am to graduate at a time when all of this is available and you don’t need to fight for a spot on the TOC list. I am loving the”Teacher Life” and I can’t wait to see what I can get my hands on for next year!

Posted on

February 22, 2018

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