Zach Abbott

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Like most of us recent(-ish!) grads, I feel like I’ve been on the move since I left UVic. The day after convocation, I began working with Princess Cruises for a year of world travel on their ships. After seeing and doing some amazing things, the next year I was in London with a contract to teach in an all-girls school (the only PE I’ve taught in my career so far). With another year of memories, I headed back to the island where my job search took me to Gold River and a couple years of TTOCing in the wilderness. From there it was back to the mid-island and a couple years of teaching in Parksville (including a crazy year at an alternate school) before getting into the Nanaimo district where I’ve finally gotten my first 1.0 FTE position lined up for next year. While the teaching career has landed me in Nanaimo, life took me just a little further south to a two-acre hobby farm in the Cowichan Valley. It’s not anywhere even close to where I figured I would have ended up, but I wouldn’t trade the chickens, ride-on lawn mower or the constant weed removal for anything else.


Posted on

July 5, 2017

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