Conservation! Photogrammetry! And a Fresh Grave!

Conservation! Photogrammetry! And a Fresh Grave!

Yesterday, May 18th, was the third excursion to the Jewish Cemetery and luckily the weather decided to be relatively pleasant this time around. Although it wasn’t the sunniest, it was warm enough that we were able to comfortably record/ amend the monument sheets we...

Rain Won’t Slow Us Down! Except When it Does…

May 11th was our first field day in the Cemetery and it was awesome … and wet, it was awesome and wet! On a quiet street, ringed almost entirely in large trees, and covered in grass, the cemetery is a beautiful space and I was so excited to be out for our first day of...

Vanessa’s reflections two weeks into fieldwork

Today marked the end of our second week doing fieldwork as a class in this beautiful cemetery. I can’t believe how quickly time is flying! So far, this has been one of the most interesting and hands on courses I have ever taken in my three years at Uvic. It is both...