Photogrammetry – by Emily W.

In class on May 31st, my group learned many things in the classroom.  We spent most of the day learning how to use programs such as PhotoScanPro and MeshLab, which proved to be both exciting and a little challenging.  The purpose of PhotoScan was to learn...
Unexpected Emotion: A Guest Post by Laura W.

Unexpected Emotion: A Guest Post by Laura W.

I had anticipated writing this blog about the new mapping skills we had been utilizing in the field, however we had a visit from Dr. Rick Kool to give us further information, and I was caught by surprise at how emotional I felt when he shared stories about a few of...

Gravestone Preservation By Torah L and Katie M

Figure 1. Overview of falling monuments in need of preservation and conservation. Specifically focusing on plot G22 in the Jewish Cemetery. Photography by Torah Lee. What is gravestone preservation? Is it important? Why do we need it and who is doing it? These are all...