Culture, death, and Swedish cemeteries

Culture, death, and Swedish cemeteries

A brief review of: Reimers, Eva (1999)    Death and Identity: Graves and Funerals as Cultural Communication. Mortality 4(2): 147–166. By looking at a multicultural cemetery in Sweden, Reimers looks at the connection between immigration and the preservation of culture....

Learning RTI and Monument Cleaning

Fieldwork is something that is new to me, and it has been necessary to learn many new skills to be able to accurately produce a record of this cemetery. Some skills we have learned include: how to take photographs of grave markers in ways that bring out the...

Importance of Heritage to Archaeological Field Work

The opportunity to work in the Jewish Cemetery started out as an accessible field course for Undergraduate students in Anthropology at UVic. I have never had the opportunity to visit a cemetery in which my own family rests, and without that personal connection, my...