Maya’s thoughts on the first day in the field

Maya’s thoughts on the first day in the field

Well, today (Thursday) was my first official day in the field for Anth 395, and my first visit to the cemetery. There’s something incredibly surreal about being able to connect a grave to the people and the stories that have appeared in my textbooks since middle...

Some Thoughts on Religion and Archaeology

Tuesday, in our first official class in the Anthropology 395: Heritage Archaeology course we covered a lot more than I expected and perhaps was prepared for. We not only covered in lecture the various aspects of the course, such as monument measurement and mapping,...

Ally’s thoughts on the first class

Starting with a wee note from Erin: I’ve asked the students to write blog posts again. While some will post their own, I will also post a few of them on behalf of the students. This first post comes from Ally, who wrote about the first day of our course. Walking...