Chapter Constitution


The name of the organization is the University of Victoria Chapter of the Professional Employees Association (UVic PEA).

ARTICLE 2: Objectives
  1. To represent the needs of the members;
  2. To research and provide bargaining positions;
  3. To assist the Professional Employees Association in negotiating a collective agreement;
  4. To support and develop the welfare of its members as individual professionals;
  5. To carry out any other functions consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Professional Employees Association;
  6. To function as a chapter of the Professional Employees Association.
ARTICLE 3: Membership
  1. Membership is open to all staff who are members of the bargaining unit.

Professional Employees Association University of Victoria Chapter:



Part 1: Meetings of Members


ARTICLE 1: Meetings
  1. There will be an Annual General Meeting within the first 15 days of November in each calendar year.
  2. A special meeting will be called when a strike vote is contemplated.
  3. Other special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, the Executive or on a written request from at least ten members. When a special meeting is called, it will take place within one calendar month of the request being received by the Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, any member of the Executive.
ARTICLE 2: Notice of Meetings
  1. Notice of meetings will be delivered to each member or mailed to the last known address not less than ten days prior to the meeting.
  2. Each notice of meeting will state the business to be transacted.
ARTICLE 3: Quorum
  1. A quorum in a meeting is five percent of the membership.
  2. No business will be transacted at a meeting without a quorum present.
ARTICLE 4: Rules of Order
  1. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE 5: Voting
  1. There will be no voting by proxy.
  2. Each member will be entitled to one vote on each question.
  3. Voting will be decided by a show of hands, unless otherwise directed by the meeting, or as otherwise provided by these By-Laws.
  4. Every question will be decided by a majority of votes, unless otherwise specifically provided by these By-Laws.
  5. Contract ratification votes will be conducted, consistent with the PEA Constitution and By Laws.
  6. Strike votes will be conducted, consistent with the Labour Code of B.C.

Part 2: Executive


ARTICLE 6: Terms of Office
  1. The Executive is comprised of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and seven Directors. The assigned PEA Labour Relations Officer is a member of the Executive with voice but no vote.
  2. All Directors are elected for two-year terms except for those elected by by-election.
  3. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are elected for two-year terms. The Chairperson is elected in odd years and the Vice-Chairperson is elected on even years.
  4. The Treasurer and the Secretary are elected by and from the Executive. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary may be combined at the discretion of the Executive.
  5. Four Directors will be elected in odd years while the other three Directors are elected in even years.
    1. In the event that a member of the Executive is not able to complete the term of office but less than six months remain, the Executive will elect a member of the Chapter to fill the position for the term remaining. If six months or more remain, a byelection will be called to fill the position to complete the term of office.
    2. In the event that a member of the Executive is granted leave of three months or more, but less than six months, the Executive will elect a member of the Chapter to fill the position for the term of the absence. If the leave of absence is for six months or longer, a by-election will be called to fill the position to complete the remaining time in the term of office.
  6. Executive members will assume office immediately following the Annual General Meeting at which their election is reported. For By-Elections, they will assume office on the day following the report of their election by the Elections Committee. 
ARTICLE 7: Duties and Responsibilities
  1. Chairperson
    • the Chairperson will be the chief executive officer of the Chapter.
    • the Chairperson will preside at all meetings, and sign all contracts, documents or instruments undertaken between the Chapter and other organizations or individuals and will be a delegate to the annual convention of the Association.
    • the Chairperson will have overall responsibility for the general and active management of the business of the Chapter and will enforce and abide by the provisions of the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.
  2. Vice-Chairperson
    • the Vice-Chairperson will assume duties as may be determined by the Chairperson or Executive.
    • should the Chairperson refuse to act, be absent or disabled, the Executive will vest all the powers and duties of the Chairperson in the Vice-Chairperson.
  3. Treasurer
    • the Treasurer will keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Chapter
    • deposit all monies and disburse the funds of the Chapter under the direction of the Executive
    • prepare financial reports as required by the Executive
    • present an annual financial report at the Annual General Meeting
    • perform other duties as maybe determined by the Executive or required under the PEA Constitution and By-Laws.
  4. Secretary
    • the Secretary will prepare and disseminate notices and agendas of all Executive and Chapter meetings
    • keep an accurate record of all Executive and Chapter meetings
    • act as Parliamentarian at all Chapter meetings
    • act as Archivist for all Chapter matters
    • assume other duties as may be determined by the Executive.
  5. Association Executive Member(s)
    • The Chapter Executive will elect one or more of its members to serve as members of the Association Executive.
    • The Chapter’s Association Executive member will serve as a member of the Association Executive, will represent the Chapter at Association Executive meetings and will report back to the Chapter on matters arising.
  6. Directors
    • Directors will represent the various interests of the Chapter and will perform duties as may be determined by the Executive.
ARTICLE 8: Executive Meetings
  1. A quorum of the Executive will be any five members.
  2. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson at an Executive meeting, the Directors will appoint a Chair from among the Executive members.
  3. All questions coming before the Executive shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present.
ARTICLE 9: Committees of the Executive
  1. The Executive may create committees at its discretion and appoint members to them. Each committee will normally include one member of the Executive.
ARTICLE 10: Removal from Office
  1. Members of the Executive may be removed from office before the expiration of their term of office.
  2. A call for removal must be signed by five percent of the membership and forwarded to the Chairperson, with a copy to the Secretary. A Special Meeting must be called to discuss the issue.
  3. After the meeting, written ballots will be circulated to the membership by the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee will count the ballots and report the binding results to the Executive. The impeachment will succeed only if supported by two-thirds of the ballots cast.

Part 3: Elections, Committees and Local Representatives


ARTICLE 11: Chapter Executive Elections
  1. The Elections Committee normally consists of five members  elected by and from the membership at the annual general meeting, and is accountable only to the membership. When any member of the Elections Committee resigns, is absent or otherwise fails to perform the duties set out in this ARTICLE, the Executive may appoint a replacement.
  2. Vacant Executive positions will be filled by the candidates receiving the highest number of votes.
  3. If a member of the Elections Committee wishes to accept a nomination for the Executive, the member will first resign from the Committee.
  4. Powers and Duties:
    1. The Elections Committee conducts Executive elections by mail and by secret ballot and other necessary votes, in accordance with the Association Constitution and By-Laws.
    2. For Executive elections, the Elections Committee will:
      • accept nominations put forward by any two members;
      • circulate to the Membership a list of candidates, including candidate profiles;
      • circulate the ballot two weeks prior to Election date;
      • arrange an all candidates meeting, as considered appropriate by the Elections Committee in consultation with the Chapter Executive;
      • receive ballots up to noon of the day the balloting closes, normally the day preceding the Annual General Meeting;
      • count ballots on the afternoon of the day balloting closes;
      • report results the day after balloting closes, normally at the Annual General Meeting.
    3. If insufficient nominations are received to fill the vacant position(s) by the date set by the Elections Committee for the close of nominations, the Executive will seek additional candidates and will fill any vacant positions by voting on these candidates by secret ballot.
ARTICLE 12: Appointment Committee
  1. The Appointment(s) Committee consists of a Chair elected by and from the Executive and a number of representatives elected by the Executive.
  2. The Appointment(s) Committee will seek nominations for Local Representatives and for, representatives on various university, association and other bodies as required. Nominations will be forwarded to the Executive for ratification.
ARTICLE 13: Bargaining Committee
  1. The Bargaining Committee consists of six voting members elected by the Executive – three from the Executive and three selected from the membership at large. The bargaining Committee also includes non-voting PEA staff representatives.
  2. Powers and Duties: The Negotiating Committee will:
    • identify and represent the needs of the members;
    • research and develop bargaining positions;
    • assist the Professional Employees Association in negotiating collective agreements.
ARTICLE 14: Local Representatives Committee
  1. The Local Representatives Committee consists of all Local Representatives, the assigned PEA Labour Relations Officer and a Chair elected by and from the Executive.
  2. Powers and Duties: The Local Representatives Committee will meet as called by the Chair or any three members and will serve as a communications link between and among members and the Executive.
ARTICLE 15 Convention Delegates
  1. The Chapter’s Association Executive member(s) will be a convention delegate(s) as specified by in the Association By-laws.
  2. The Chapter’s Chairperson will be a convention delegate. In the event that the Chairperson is unable to attend the convention, another member will be elected as a delegate by and from the Executive.
  3. The Chapter’s total entitlement to convention delegates is determined in the Association By-laws. Delegates additional to those specified above will be elected by and from the Chapter membership.
  4. The election of convention delegates will be held at least 75 days prior to the convention. An all candidates meeting may precede the election, which will be conducted by the Elections Committee. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be elected. Candidates not elected will be considered alternates in the order of votes received and will attend the convention in the event of an elected delegate being unable to attend.
  5. If insufficient nominations are received to fill the positions by this procedure, those nominated will be acclaimed and the remaining delegates and alternates will be nominated and elected by the Chapter Executive.
ARTICLE 16: Accountability
  1. Committees created by the Executive, except for the Elections Committee, are subject to the authority of and are accountable to the Executive.
  2. Members representing the UVic Chapter of the PEA are subject to the authority of and accountable to the Executive.

Part 4: Finance and Legal


ARTICLE 17: Remuneration
  1. Executive members will serve without remuneration. Executive members and members of the Chapter will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket bona fide expenses incurred on behalf of the Chapter.
ARTICLE 18: Amendment
  1. Any member may propose an amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws of the Chapter by writing, to the Chairperson of the Chapter at least 90 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  2. Amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws may only be taken to a formal vote if introduced and passed by an ordinary motion at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special Meeting convened for that purpose. Formal voting will be by secret, written ballot to the entire membership. The amendment will succeed only if supported by two-thirds of the ballots cast in the formal vote.
ARTICLE 19: Minutes
  1. Minutes of Executive, Annual General and Special meetings will be made available to members within a reasonable time (and in no event longer than 60 days after the meeting).
ARTICLE 20: Chapter Financial Records
  1. The financial records of the Chapter will be available for inspection by any member on reasonable notice to the Treasurer.
  2. The fiscal year of the UVic PEA shall end on the 30th day of September in each year.
  3. The financial signing authority of the chapter shall be any two of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer.

as amended in November, 2018