Does the PEA Chapter Executive recommend that we ratify this agreement?
Yes, the PEA Chapter Executive recommends that we ratify this agreement.


What happens if the ratification vote does not pass?
If the ratification does not pass, members are left with the current layoff language in the Collective Agreement. If a member is laid off, it will be constituted as a permanent layoff and the member will be entitled to regular notice (ie. 10 weeks) and options (ie. placement in a vacant position, recall, severance). Moreover, members would not be eligible for the CERB/E.I. top-up and continuing benefits and pension contributions/accrual offered in this agreement.


The temporary layoffs are impacting those members who don’t have enough work — who decides this?
Management within each department or unit will decide which positions are underutilized.


How many layoffs are expected?
We do not know at this time how many layoffs are expected. The employer will make a decision based on operational needs.


Will members still receive our general wage increases and performance increases in July?
Yes, all salary increases that were negotiated in the collective agreement will still happen.


Does this agreement cover term employees?
No, the agreement does not apply to term employees. Term employees are entitled to two months’ notice of termination and receive no severance, as per the Collective Agreement.


What happens if CERB ends while I am on a temporary layoff?
The Canada Emergency Response Benefit currently offers four months of support at $2000/month. If CERB ends while you are on a temporary layoff, you will then be eligible to apply to EI, which offers 55% of your current salary up to a maximum (ie. $573/week). The monthly employer top-up of $950 will continue to cover continued benefits and pension plan.


Rather than employees using CERB, could UVic not use the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to keep all employees on?
No, Universities do not currently qualify for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. Our union is continuing to advocate for expanded financial support to the post-secondary sector.


How will seniority be calculated?
Seniority is defined as it is under Appendix D of the Collective Agreement:

“Service of a staff member is defined as continuous service as an employee of the University, including contiguous term appointments, contiguous term and regular appointments, and appointments to positions other than Administrative and Academic Professional. Leave of absence with pay or partial pay shall be counted as service. Leave of absence without pay and any time during which a staff member is subject to recall pursuant to Article 26.04 shall not be counted as service but shall not break the continuity of the service record. Except for vacation, service for part-time staff members shall be prorated on the basis of full-time equivalency. Contiguous appointments shall include regular appointments interrupted by scheduled layoffs.”

We and the University agree that any employee who is temporarily laid off under this agreement would continue to accrue service.


Is there a notice period for temporary layoffs that would allow me to wind down work and/or projects?
Once the LOA is ratified, the employer can begin laying members off immediately.


Have alternative approaches been considered?
The LOA provides for the potential for staff who are in positions which are underutilized to be reassigned to other work that they are qualified for rather than be laid off. It also allows for a department to introduce, with the agreement of the PEA, a Work Sharing program rather than laying off staff. The University has advised that other strategies such as early retirements or severance packages are not being considered as those would be meant to permanently reduce staffing and that is not the intent of this LOA.


Can people still be permanently laid off while this LOA is in place?
Yes, at the employers’ discretion members can still be laid off permanently, as per the Collective Agreement.


How does this new agreement affect those who are currently on parental or medical leaves?
The University has advised that members who are on parental or extended medical leaves will not receive notice of a temporary layoff.


Will the University continue to pay its share of pension contributions based on salary before the temporary layoff or based on the $950 top-up?
The University will continue to pay its share of pension and benefits payments based on the members’ previous salary. Income tax and other statutory deductions will be withheld from the monthly top-up.


What happens to term employees who should be regularized after three years of term employment?
The member’s position will be regularized because all provisions of the collective agreement are still in effect.


How do I ensure I receive future communications on this issue?
Ensure the PEA has your email address and that you have not opted out of communications from the PEA by logging into the PEA website or by contacting PEA membership The University has advised that they will also be providing information on their website.


If I receive a layoff notice, what should I do?
Your PEA Labour Relations Officer will be in attendance at all meetings where members receive notice of layoff. You will be provided with resources to support you during this transition.