AGM Minutes Template

UVic PEA Chapter Annual General Meeting
Date and Time
Arbutus-Queenswood Room, Cadboro Commons Building
Draft minutes prepared by [NAME] for approval at the [YEAR] AGM

Present: at least [NN] members including the Executive – sufficient for a quorum which, by Article 3 of the Chapter Constitution, is 5% of the membership, currently about 920 members.

1. Motion to approve agenda (Move, Second):
2. Motion to approve minutes of the DMY AGM. (Move, Second):
3. Chapter Annual Reports:
3.1 Chair’s Report (John Foxgord)
Motion to accept the Chair’s Report (Move, Second):
3.2 Treasurer’s Report  (Vincent Connor)
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report (Move, Second):
3.3 Association Executive Report (John Hall)
Motion to accept the Association Executive Report (Move, Second):
3.4 Labour Relations Officer Report (Melissa Moroz)
Motion to accept the Labour Relations Officer Report (Move, Second):
3.5 Committee Reports:
3.5.1 Elections Committee Report (Cliff Haman)
Motion to accept the Elections Committee Report (Move, Second):
3.5.2 Association/University Committee Report (John Foxgord)
Motion to accept the Association/University Report (Move, Second):
3.5.3 Local Representatives Committee Report (Sheryl Karras)
Motion to accept the Local Representatives Committee Report (Move, Second):
3.5.4 Seminar Committee Report (Sheryl Karras)
Motion to accept the Seminars Committee Report (Move, Second):
4. Bargaining Update
5. Election of the 2013/2014 Elections Committee (5 members)
The Elections Committee works independently of the Executive to organize and report on Elections for Chapter positions within the terms of Article 11 of the Chapter Constitution.
6. Other Business:
7. Adjournment.