2060 Vision

The 2060 Project takes a long-term vision of Canada’s electrical system. With a focus on low carbon emission transition pathways, the 2060 Project explores the nexus of technology, policy, economics and society on the decarbonisation of Canada’s electrical sector. Through direct engagement with electrical utilities, provincial governments and academia, the findings from the 2060 Project provide both the qualitative and quantitative knowledge required to help drive the Canadian electrical system through the transition to carbon neutrality.

The 2060 planning horizon aligns with numerous regional, federal and international CO2 and GHG reduction targets. The 2060 Project aims to provide an understanding of the necessary intermediate steps, technologies or supporting policies required to reach these long term goals. These sorts of analyses are beyond the planning horizons and mandates of electrical utilities, and hence the transitional pathways remain vague and ambiguous. Project 2060 takes a large scale regional perspective, based on resources and opportunism rather than political boundaries, in order to determine the optimal good for the greater Canadian system.